Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer is Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, with extensive experience in Public Law. He was a professor at the Federal University of Ouro Preto and several private institutions. He was also an attorney in the area of Public Law. He is the author of numerous academic and opinion articles, and has also published books. In 2013, he received the CAPES award for best thesis in Law in Brazil.

Professor at the Graduate Program in Law at UFMG , with experiences in supervising dissertations and theses, offering Master and Doctorate courses.
Vice-director of the UFMG Graduate Law Program for the 2019-2021 biennium.
Professor of the Law Undergraduate course, in the subjects of Constitutional Law.

Director of the Study Center on Transitional Justice at UFMG . The CJT/UFMG is a research and outreach project that works on the theme of transitions, and had already developed works before the Latin American Network on Transitional Justice, the Minas Gerais Truth Commission, the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, among others.

Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
Research Fellow Level 2 at the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

Resident researcher at IEAT - Institute for Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies at UFMG (2018-19)
Mineiro Researcher Fapemig PPM-XI (2017)
Fellow at King's College Transnational Law Summer Institute (2016)
Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2011-12)
Professor at Dom Helder Câmara Superior School (2007-11)
Attorney at Oliveira Baracho Advocacia (2007-08)